To become a trusted government-owned company, KOCOAL takes economical and legal responsibilities and completes ethical and social responsibilities requested from the community in the overall process of making decisions and executing them.
Performance of Ethical Management
  • 2003
    1. 09
      Established code of ethics.
      Established code of conduct.
  • 2004
    1. 07
      Declaration of ethical management.
    2. 09
      Established ethics charter and vowed practice.
      Announced ethics charter/ethics code/action code in the homepage and corporation magazine.
    3. 10
      Set Ethical Management as the compulsory subject for administrator training course.
      Established whistleblowing guideline.
    4. 12
      Made up ethic self-assessment form.
      Implemented sexual harrassment prevention education.
      Revised customer service charter.
  • 2005
    1. 06
      Declaration of honesty vow.
      Performed clean society agreement for government-owned.
      corporation and established execution committee.
    2. 10
      Established volunteer team.
      Revised guideline dealing with public interest report.
      Started cyber ethic management education for all on-line users.
    3. 11
      Established anti-corruption task force team.
      Began sexual harrassment prevention education.
  • 2006
    1. 01
      Developed campaign to spend sound new year's day.
    2. 06
      Revised code of conduct.
      Implemented job posting.
      Implemented sexual harrassment prevention education.
    3. 07
      Established exclusive ethic organization
      (Head office : Innovation management office, Mines : Innovation management team).
    4. 12
      Implemented inspections for executives' integrity.
      Introduced executive duty integrity contract.
      Invited speaker for special lecture on anti-corruption ("Ethic is the source of competitiveness.")
      Implemented sexual harrassment prevention education.
  • 2007
    1. 03
      Chief attended the National clean society agreement report conference.
    2. 08
      Joined UN Global Compact.
      Held CLEAN KO-COAL resolution meeting.
    3. 12
      Established ethic management self-assessment system.
      Implemented educational tour at ethic managed mines.
  • 2008
    1. 01
      Declared vision and mission for social contribution activity.
    2. 07
      Modified financial administration management system
      (guidelines for funds management legislation).
  • 2009
    1. 01
      Declared "end to irresponsible management.
    2. 08
      Established ethic management system.
    3. 10
      Comprehensively modified ethics standard (Revision of moral code and code of conduct).